

2022 National Lifeguard update resources:


Alert Cover


The Lifesaving Society has developed National Lifeguard ads for use by Affiliate Members to advertise their National Lifeguard courses and, longer term, to develop and recruit potential lifeguard staff.

Target audience

The primary target audiences for these ads are potential NLS candidates 13-16 years of age and their parents.

How to use the ads

We encourage Affiliate Members to place the ads in your recreation brochures and /or on your websites or in other communication pieces like handouts, flyers or posters.

Each ad is produced in portrait format and as a landscape banner. The ads are small (because brochure space is typically tight), but can be scaled up or down (be sure to avoid stretching them vertically or horizontally).

The ads are available in jpeg, PDF or TIF formats. If you require a different format or have any questions, contact us.

Two themes

We have developed two messages in English and in French:

1. Do the Math / Faites le calcul - an appeal to the potential NLS candidate's practical self-interest.

NLS Ad - Do the Math portrait

NLS Ad - Do the Match horizbanner

Click on the images above to open the downloadable PDFs.


NLS Ad Faiteslecalcul portrait

NLS Ad Faiteslecalcul horizbanner

2. Be Better / Devenir meilleur - an appeal to the potential NLS candidate's altruistic aspirations.

NLS Ad - Be Better portrait

NLS Ad - Be Better horizbanner

Click on the images above to open the downloadable PDFs.


9NLS Ad DevenirMeilleur portrait

9NLS Ad DevenirMeilleur horizbanner


These ads are also available as 11" x 17" posters. The National Lifeguard posters package gives you 10 posters - 5 Do the Math and 5 Be Better. Do Good. Click on the posters for pricing and order info.

NLS BeBetter Poster ENG


NLS BeBetter Poster FRE




NLS DotheMath Poster ENG

NLS DotheMath Poster FRE