
Affiliate membership entitles your organization to offer the training programs of the Lifesaving Society and to present candidates for examination. Affiliate Members enjoy credit privileges and have voting rights at the Lifesaving Society's annual general meeting.

Services available

Lifesaving Society Affiliate Members in Newfoundland and Labrador receive many benefits:

Affiliate membership entitles your organization to offer the training programs of the Lifesaving Society and to present candidates for examination. The Society's Program Guide provides a convenient and comprehensive reference for aquatic programmers and administrators.

Affiliate Members (only) are eligible for a license to offer the Society's Swim for Life and Lifesaving Sport Fundamentals prorgram.

Affiliate Members enjoy credit privileges, which allows for the ordering of materials and award processing with payment at a later date.

Promotional and educational literature is available to Affiliate Members. This includes test sheets, posters and brochures for distribution to the general public, and electronic artwork and program descriptions for inclusion in Affiliate magazines and flyers.

Affiliate Members receive the Society's e-newsletter Currents, which highlights developments, technical information, resources and issues related to lifesaving, lifeguarding, leadership training as well as Water Smart education, aquatic risk management and lifesaving sport.

Lifesaving Society representatives are available to Affiliate Members throughout the year to assist instructors, lifeguards and programmers.

The Society will post Affiliate Members' course listings on the Society's website.

Each Affiliate Member may send 1 voting delegate to the Society's Annual General Meeting.

We invite all Affiliate Members to make full use of the programs and services offered by the Lifesaving Society Newfoundland and Labrador. Contact Us to become an Affiliate Member. If you are an Affiliate Member, learn about the Society's Affiliate Awards.