
Make a donation online to the Lifesaving Society by clicking the
Donate Now button. A new window will open where you have options to
direct your donation to specific funds or causes.
If you would prefer to donate by another method, see the contact
information located at the bottom of this page.
Your donation enables us to fund Water Smart drowning prevention
education and programs like Swim to Survive. Thank you - your
contribution will help save lives!
What we do
The Lifesaving Society works to prevent drowning and
water-related injury through its training programs, Water
Smart® public education, drowning
prevention research, aquatic safety management and lifesaving
sport. Each year in Canada, over 1,000,000 Canadians
participate in the Society's swimming, lifesaving,
lifeguard and leadership courses.
The Lifesaving Society is a national volunteer organization and
a registered charity composed of ten provincial/territorial
branches, tens of thousands of individual members and over 4,000
affiliated swimming pools, waterfronts and schools. The Society has
been educating Canadians to save themselves and others since the
first Lifesaving Bronze Medallion was earned in 1896. We are
Canada's lifeguarding experts.
We acknowledge all donors of $25 or more in Donor Clubs in our
Annual Report unless you tell us otherwise:
Friends of the Society give $25 to $99.
Bronze Club members give $100 to $299.
Merit Club members give $300 to $499.
Distinction Club members give $500 or more.
Memorial Gifts
We accept gifts that honour the memory of a loved one. Once we
have your details we send you a letter of thanks confirming
receipt of the donation. We also send a letter to the next of kin
you identify to tell them of your generous In Memoriam
Tax receipts
When you donate online, a tax receipt is issued automatically.
If you donate by another method, the Society issues tax receipts
for donations of $25 or more. We accept cash, cheque, debit or
credit cards
Contact us
For more information, please contact the Lifesaving Society
Newfoundland Labrador:
Phone 709-576-1953 Fax 709-738-1475 Email:
Our mailing address is:
Lifesaving Society
11 Austin Street
PO Box 8065, Station "A"
St. John's, Newfoundland A1B 3M9