The Lifesaving Society Newfoundland and
Labrador Archive is mandated to preserve those records and material
artefacts of the provincial Society which are deemed to have
enduring legal, fiscal, developmental, historical, or research
value. The Archive also collects records from private sources
which are deemed to have enduring value to the history of the
Society in Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Society's acquisition policy guides the
evaluation of the value and suitability of archival material and
The Archive will collect and preserve all
Branch records and correspondence including meeting minutes,
meeting agendas, financial statements, annual reports, etc.
The medium may be paper, electronic, or audio.
The Archive may accept private artefacts at
the discretion of the archivist.
- More individualistic personal artefacts, such as photographs,
newspaper clippings, and personal letters, which are unique to the
individual, are encouraged to be archived but will be evaluated for
their relevancy. These artefacts may be the originals or
copies of the originals in hard copy or electronic form. If
in an electronic form or printed from an electronic form such as a
scan, the quality must be good, the standard being a minimum of 300
dpi and in JPEG form.
- Private artefacts awarded or distributed by the Society will
adhere to a policy of sampling. These artefacts may include crests,
medals, manuals, examination forms, certification cards, posters,
promotional material etc. The Archive will collect and preserve
only samples of each type of artefact, the number and those
selected being dependent on the discretion of the archivist and the
physical condition of the artefacts.
The Archive will record and collect the oral
history of past members, volunteers, or people otherwise associated
with the Society in Newfoundland and Labrador at the discretion of
the archivist. This oral history will be collected via personal
interview in audio recorded form and then transferred to both a
hard CD copy and an electronic audio copy preferably in a .wave or
.mp3 form.